Imagine this:
You’re 24 years old, working in a foreign country. You’re
raped by a colleague.
What’s a logical response for a woman who has been raped… to
report the assault to the police. But that’s where her troubles began. Caught
in the unfamiliar terrain of an Islamic legal system, Marte Dalelv found
herself facing 16 months imprisonment for charges of having sex outside of
marriage, drinking alcohol, and falsely reporting a rape.
The case received extensive international media attention and incited
global activism about women’s rights, especially in conservative countries. Amid
the furor, Ms. Dalelv was pardoned (as was her accused rapist) and allowed to
leave the country.
All’s well that ends well?
Far from! She was incarcerated in
a foreign country and faced long-term imprisonment. In seeking justice and
freedom, the story of her sexual victimization became the focus of worldwide
attention. She was terminated from her employment for improper behavior. And
let’s not forget how this all started… she
was raped.
Sometimes here in the US, we forget that women worldwide face
obstacles and risks unheard of in our country, e.g., genital mutilation, honor killings,
and widespread trafficking of young girls. Soroptimist 
International (including our local chapter in Saratoga County) have long addressed the inequalities that affect girls and women locally and globally. Did you know?

International (including our local chapter in Saratoga County) have long addressed the inequalities that affect girls and women locally and globally. Did you know?
One in three women have been beaten, coerced
into sex or otherwise abused in their lifetime.
According to a recent report, 80 percent of the
600,000-800,000 people trafficked across international borders annually are
In some countries in sub-Saharan Africa,
adolescent girls have HIV rates up to five times higher than adolescent boys.
Unlike many of the women whose culture biases about their gender trap them as targets of poverty and victimization,
Marte overcame the crisis and used her voice to rally not just for her own safety,
but for that of women everywhere.
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