

Friday, February 24, 2017

Parents: It affects 1 in 3 Teens. Would you recognize it?

February is Teen Dating Violence Awareness Month. Did you know, 1 in 3 teens experience some form of dating violence? They're often reluctant to tell their parents or  teachers. Would you recognize the signs?

Soroptimist International, an organization devoted to helping girls locally and across the world,  reports that "82% of parents felt confident they'd be able to tell if their teen was in an abusive relationship, but less than HALF of these parents could correctly identify the signs of teen dating abuse." They've created a an infographic with information about identifying dating violence, talking to your teen (or his/her friends) about it, and supporting a teen who has experience dating violence. You can also sign up here for other resources such as a video for parents and tips to take action to help teens.

Need some resources to  share with the teens you know? Love is respect has 2 quick quizzes :

If you are a teen who is experiencing dating violence ... or if you are a parent or friend of someone and you're concerned they may be-- call Wellspring at 518-583-0280. All services are free and confidential.

Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Cantina's donating 33% to help Wellspring get to zero

Dining out fundraiser for Wellspring

Join us at Cantina at 430 Broadway in  Saratoga Springs on February 8 anytime from 11:30-9  for lunch or dinner. Cantina is generously donating 33% of proceeds in support of Wellspring's work to end relationship and sexual abuse in our community.

Feeling more like a night in with the family? That's OK. Treat yourself to take out from Cantina and a relaxed family dinner at home.

If you're planning on dining in, reservations are recommended, so you don't have to wait.

Your support brings Wellspring closer to our vision of a community without abuse.

Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Move Aside Mr. Groundhog

So February has some important dates to remember:
Valentines Day (14th)
Bartenders' Ball  (11th- show up to support this year's recipient CAPTAIN Youth and Family Services)
Presidents' Day (20th ...and start of a school break for many)...
and of course
Groundhog Day (2nd... we haven't really had winter yet, but I'd be OK with an early spring).

So tomorrow we'll be talking about whether the groundhog predicts an early spring or more winter, but here's something to think about all month long. It's Teen Dating Violence Awareness Month. Talk to your kids about signs of abuse in a relationship... and what constitutes a health relationship. At Wellspring, we want everyone to have healthy relationships. Sometimes it's confusing to discern when everyday behaviors cross the line into controlling. This month we'll be sharing some tools to increase awareness, start the conversation, and give you some resources if needed.  Let's start with discussing boundaries and consent.

Not every healthy relationship looks the same.  However, every healthy relationship does need safe communication, trust, boundaries, and mutual respect. Being on the same page is important, you want  to make sure that both you and your partner want and expect the same things.  Everyone should feel comfortable setting boundaries as they see fit, and these boundaries may change or adjust as the relationship evolves. Having open communication regarding your boundaries in a relationship creates respect and ensures that  each person’s needs are  being met. Check out Wellspring's video about consent to start the conversation.