While relationship abuse can happen to anyone, most people aren't aware of the prevalence. Jessica Petraccione notes that, "most people don't hear about domestic violence on a regular basis." She's right (click here for more from Jessica). Even when there's a tragedy, the news often gives the details of the incident, but fails to use the words domestic violence. At Wellspring we have many clients who call our hotline or talk to our advocates who say, "This has been going on for years, but I've never told anyone until today... not even my sister." There's a saying that 'Silence Hides Violence'; it's true. Most abuse happens behind closed doors so when we don't hear about the issue, we forget about it.

Sheena Shaw speaks with courage about domestic violence and also about why, "It's important for our youth to know where to get help."
Did you know, Wellspring has advocates on campus at Shenendehowa and Saratoga Springs High Schools and also at Skidmore College? We know that by providing access to an advocate, students can get help with concerns about relationships, dating violence.... or find out how to help a friend who is in an abusive relationship. We provide all these services to individuals and to the schools at no charge, because early intervention is key to preventing abuse from escalating.
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