invites you to participate in
National Drug &
Alcohol Facts Week, Jan. 25 - 31
Help educate young people about the
effects and consequences of drug and alcohol use by taking part in National Drug &
Alcohol Facts Week. Hosted by the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA), National Drug
Facts Week takes place from Jan. 26 to 31.
In its sixth year, National Drug &
Alcohol Facts Week was developed by NIDA to educate teens with science-based
facts about the effects and consequences that drugs have on the brain, body,
and behavior. By bringing young adults and scientific experts together with a
common goal, National Drug & Alcohol Facts Week aims to shatter the myths
and empower teens with the knowledge to make positive choices.
Join hundreds of participants across
the country, and tens of organizations and school districts in Southern
Saratoga County, by getting the facts out about the risks of youth drug
use. Consider working with local youth,
schools, and prevention coalitions to organize an educational event or activity
for teens that delivers real, factual information about drugs and drug abuse.
Here’s how you can take part:
• Use your social media accounts
to share information with your followers using the tweets provided below. Be sure to give a “shout-out” to the Southern
Saratoga County Youth Empowerment (SSCYE) Partnership by using our twitter
handle, @SSCYE1.
A study showed people 13-38 who used marijuana regularly from teen to
adulthood had a significant drop in IQ even if they quit #drugfacts
Marijuana use more than doubles a driver’s risk of being in an
accident. #drugfacts
Early marijuana use can increase the risk of psychosis, a mental
disorder where delusions and hallucinations are common symptoms #drugfacts
Is Marijuana addicting? 1 in 11 youth who smoke marijuana seek
treatment. #drugfacts
THC in marijuana, deadens neurons in the part of the brain
that’s in charge of short-term memory #drugfacts
About 5,000 people under 21 die each year from injuries caused by
underage drinking #drugfacts
More than 4 in 10 people who begin drinking before age 15 eventually
become alcoholics #drugfacts
Teens who drink heavily are 3 times more likely to try to hurt
themselves than those who don’t. #drugfacts
In 2007, prescription pain meds were involved in more overdose deaths
than heroin and cocaine combined #drugfacts
Half of the young people who injected heroin in 3 recent studies
started out abusing prescription drugs first #drugfacts
Students who abuse Adderall are 9x more likely to use cocaine #drugfacts
Most people who start smoking in their teens become regular smokers
before they’re 18 #drugfacts
1 in 3 youth smokers will eventually die from a tobacco related disease
There are 69 human and animal carcinogens in tobacco smoke #drugfacts
Tobacco use is the leading cause of preventable death causing
almost half a million deaths each year, many from cancer #drugfacts
The 3 drugs most often mentioned in ER visits related to
drug use are cocaine, marijuana, and prescription drugs #drugfacts
The drugs with the highest risk for addiction are heroin,
cigarettes, and cocaine #drugfacts